Pre-Lab Preparation & Prerequisites

Lab Exercise

Form groups of two and take on the role of financial analysts. You will be provided with datasets containing financial data, valuation data, and price data for companies in the banking industry. Your task is to analyze this data and create a compelling story to convince others which stock is the best investment based on the information you have. At the end of the session, each group will present their analysis and recommendations in a 10-minute presentation.

There is no right or wrong company in this exercise, feel free to choose the company that your team feel has the most potential. The score will be based on your analysis and how you convey your message to the audience.

Grading Rubric

  1. Create a Tableau public dashboard - 1 point

  2. Using minimal 2 tables (banks_company_report.csv is a must) - 2 points

  3. Create minimal 3 charts (using different types of chart) - 2 points

  4. Design, Typography, and Color Scheme - 1 point

  5. Presentation in front of class - 3 points

    a. Doing presentation (1 point)

    b. Highlighting the main information (1 point)

    c. Conveying the goal of the analysis and the findings (1 point)

  6. Publish it into Tableau public server - 1 point


Download the dataset for this exercise here.