
Much of the data we work with in the financial industry is stored in databases and accessed using SQL.

To really unlock the power of data, your ability and general familiarity with SQL will be a huge advantage in your career, and is the reason why it’s often a requirement for many data-related roles.

This module will cover the theoretical and practical aspects of database management and the querying language SQL. If you do not have a database connection set up (as is expected for most learners and beginners), the best alternative is to use SQLite, which is a lightweight database engine that can be used without a server.

Follow the instructions in the Recommended Pre-Reading section above to set up a SQLite database from a CSV file. If you’re following this module as part of a course, you will be required to complete that setup to be able to follow along with the lessons.

Grading Rubric

  • Convert a CSV to a SQLite Database, 4 points
  • SQL Queries in Practice, 12 points
    1. Renaming columns with ALTER TABLE, 1 point
    2. SELECT, LIMIT and OFFSET in queries, 1 point
    3. Returning unique values with DISTINCT, 1 point
    4. Filtering data with WHERE, 1 point
    5. Pattern matching with LIKE, 1 point
    6. Joining tables with LEFT JOIN, 1 point
    7. Aggregation and grouping with GROUP BY, 1 point
    8. Using CAST AS to change data types, 1 point
    9. Using HAVING TO to filter grouped data, 1 point
    10. Using subquery to nest a SELECT under another SELECT, 1 point
    11. Using BETWEEN to filter data within a range, 1 point
    12. Using CREATE VIEW to pack a query into a named object, 1 point

For the most part, you will also need a database client to interact with your database. These ranged from full fledged workbenches, to simple command line tools. I am using the SQLite VSCode extension by alexcvzz, which suffice for the purpose of this module.

Connecting to a Database

Very often, to make a connection to a database, you will need to provide a connection string and use a library to help with the connection. Among the most popular choices for Python users would be sqlalchemy (additional lessons to SQLAlchemy) which acts as an Object Relational Mapper (ORM), but there are also libraries specific to the database:

  • PostgreSQL: psycopg2
  • MySQL: mysql-connector-python or mysqlclient

In addition to an ORM or an adapter library, you would also need to prepare the connection details for the database. This would include the database name, the user, the password, and the host.

Depending on the tools you use, I’ve provided a list of examples below to help you make the first connection to a database and perform a simple query.

Database queries with Pandas

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS).


All of the following exercise is to be performed on the sqlite database you created from the CSV files:

  • metadata table: from idx_subsector_metadata_080824.csv
  • reports table: from idx_sector_reports_080824.csv
  • the database itself should be called sectors.db

Your submission should be a folder with all the SQL files you created for each exercise.

Renaming columns with ALTER TABLE and RENAME COLUMN

Let’s start off simple. Create a file and name it 01_rename.sql. Use ALTER TABLE <table_name> RENAME COLUMN <existing_name> TO <new_name> to make alterations to the column in metadata named sub_sector_id. Rename it to sub_sector_uid.

If you use the VSCode extension, you can also run the query directly to verify that your answer is correct.

  1. CTRL + SHIFT + P to open the command palette
  2. Type SQLite: New Query
  3. Type in your query
  4. CTRL + SHIFT + P + SQLite: Run Query or use the shortcut (CTRL + SHIFT + Q)

You may need to refresh your database view to see this change take effect. Alternatively, you can also use PRAGMA table_info(metadata); to see the column names.

SELECT, LIMIT and OFFSET in queries

Now create a second file and call it 02_select.sql.

Use SELECT to query the reports table and return the first 10 rows with the following columns:

  • sub_sector
  • total_companies
  • filtered_median_pe

Add an OFFSET clause to your query to get the first 10 rows after the first 5 rows (skipping the first 5 rows).

SELECT _, _, _
FROM reports

Return unique values with DISTINCT and as aliasing

Create a third file and name it 03_distinct.sql.

Use SELECT to query the metadata table and return the first 10 unique sectors in the table.

Add a DISTINCT clause to your query to return only unique values in the sector column. This will remove any duplicate values from the result set.

Name the column Indonesian Sectors using the AS keyword.

SELECT column AS column_name
# or:
SELECT column AS "column name"

Use a LIMIT clause to return only the first 10 rows.

Filtering data with WHERE

Create a fourth file and name it 04_where.sql.

From the reports table, select only rows where the sub-sector has at least 15 companies and the average market cap of that sector (avg_market_cap) is lesser than 500_000_000_000 (“500 billion”).

Return the following columns:

  • sub_sector
  • total_companies
  • avg_market_cap

You can join multiple conditions using the AND keyword.

SELECT _, _, _
WHERE _ >= _ AND _ < _;

Pattern matching with LIKE.

Create a fifth file and name it 05_like.sql.

In SQL, you can use wildcards for constructing patterns.

  • % wildcard matches any sequence of zero or more characters.

  • _ wildcard matches any single character.

  • b% matches bank, bytes, bit

  • %ion matches institution, renovation

  • %it% matches any string containing it`

  • b_nk matches bank, bunk

  • l__n matches loan, lean

”A” LIKE “a” is true (non case sensitive). To set it to case sensitive, run PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = true;

Select all rows from the metadata table where the sub_sector column contains the word Goods or Services (both case insensitive), regardless of the position of these words in the string.

Return all columns.

WHERE sub_sector LIKE '__' OR sub_sector LIKE '__';

Joining tables with LEFT JOIN

Create a sixth file and name it 06_left_join.sql.

Use a LEFT JOIN to join the metadata and reports tables on the sub_sector column.

Return the following columns:

  • sector
  • sub_sector
  • total_companies
  • avg_market_cap
SELECT _, m.sub_sector, _, _
FROM metadata AS m
LEFT JOIN reports AS r
ON _ = _;

Aggregation and grouping with GROUP BY

Create a seventh file and name it 07_group_by.sql.

This file should contain two queries.

For the first query, use COUNT to return the number of rows in each group of sector in the metadata table. This gives us an idea of how many sub sectors are in each sector.

Name the columns sector and total_sub_sectors.

SELECT _, COUNT(*) as _

For the second query, use AVG to return the average number of companies of each sub sector by grouping on the sector column.

Name the columns sector, sub_sector, total_companies, and avg_sub_sector_companies.

This query should be similar to the one in your LEFT JOIN exercise since you will need to join the two tables to get the total_companies column.

SELECT sector, AVG(total_companies) AS _
ON _
GROUP BY sector;


Since aggregation is commonly applied on numeric columns, this may present a little bit of problem when our columns are in character strings. You may alter the database table and change the column types, or you may use CAST AS to cast the column values from character to either integer or decimal.

Create an eighth file and name it 08_cast_as.sql.

Use CAST AS to change the total_companies and avg_market_cap columns in the reports table to an integer. Finally, use ORDER BY to sort the result set by the total_companies column in descending order. Return only the first ten rows and the following columns:

  • sub_sector
  • total_companies as companies_num
  • avg_market_cap as market_cap_average
  CAST(_) AS _, 
  CAST(AS integer) AS _
FROM reports

For practice’s sake, you should also try this exercise without changing the column types and see if you can get the same result when ordering by a character column.

If you get the following results, you did not cast the columns correctly:


Using HAVING TO to filter grouped data

HAVING has to be used with GROUP BY. They act similarly to how WHERE works on rows, except HAVING filters on the group levels.

Create a ninth file and name it 09_having.sql.

Perform the second exercise in the seventh file again, but this time return only sectors where the avg_sub_sector_companies is greater than 30.

Use a subquery to nest a SELECT under another

Subqueries allow you to put together more complex queries while maintaining some readability. Fundamentally, a subquery is just a nested level of SELECT statement.

Create a tenth file and name it 10_subquery.sql.

First create a subquery that returns all rows from metadata where the sector is either Financials or Technology (case-sensitive!).

Then use this subquery to filter the reports table, so the returned set only contains rows where the sub_sector is in the (earlier) subquery result.

Return the following columns in your query:

  • sub_sector
  • min_company_pe
  • max_company_pe
SELECT sub_sector, min_company_pe, max_company_pe
    SELECT sub_sector 
    FROM _
    WHERE _ IN ('_', '_')

Using BETWEEN to filter data within a range

Create a eleventh file and name it 11_between.sql.

Your query should be similar to the one in the tenth file above, with a small adjustment.

  • In your subquery (the inner query), return all rows from metadata where the sector is either Financials or Infrastructures and when the sub_sector_uid is between 3 and 20.
  • In your outer query, return only rows where the avg_yoy_q_revenue_growth is between 0 and 0.3.

Note that BETWEEN is inclusive on both ends, so BETWEEN 0 AND 17 includes 0 and 17.

Return the following columns:

  • sub_sector
  • avg_yoy_q_revenue_growth
  • min_company_pe
  • max_company_pe

Notice that:

  • If you have performed the exercises earlier, your column names may have be altered. We’re working with the sub_sector_uid column after the renaming exercise.
  • BETWEEN, as you’d expect, expect two values separated by AND and that these are numbers or dates. You might have to cast the column to a number if it’s not already.
SELECT sub_sector, avg_yoy_q_revenue_growth, min_company_pe, max_company_pe
    SELECT _ 
    FROM _
    WHERE _ IN ('Financials', 'Infrastructures')
) AND avg_yoy_q_revenue_growth BETWEEN _;

Using CREATE VIEW to pack a query into a named object

For the final exercise, create a file and name it 12_create_view.sql.

A view is the result set of a stored query. It is a virtual table you define in the database that can be queried like a table, except that it does not store data.

Once you have defined a view, you can query it like a table — it can include columns from any number of tables, involving complex joins, filters and aggregations.

We create a view with the CREATE VIEW statement.

CREATE VIEW view_name AS
  SELECT column1, column2, ...
  FROM table_name
  WHERE condition;

In your file, create a view named watchlist from reports where the following conditions are met:

  • avg_market_cap is greater than the average of avg_market_cap. This means we’re only watching sectors with companies that are generally larger than the average.
  • avg_yoy_q_revenue_growth is greater than 0.1. This narrow our watchlist to sectors with companies that are growing at a rate of at least 10% year-on-year.
  • median_yield_ttm greater than 0.03. This further narrows our watchlist to sectors with companies that are, on average, paying out at least 3% worth of dividiend yield.

Return all columns. You may need to perform type casting to ensure that the columns are of the correct type.

CREATE VIEW watchlist AS
FROM reports
-- complete the query here
-- ... 

Now, use PRAGMA to print out the columns of the watchlist view.

PRAGMA table_info(watchlist);

Depending on your database editor or application, you may need to refresh the explorer to see your views being created.

You can now attempt a query directly on this view to see if it works as expected.

SELECT * FROM watchlist LIMIT 10;

Benefits and Advantages of Views

Views present the following benefits:

  • Simplify complex queries: Views can encapsulate complex queries and present a simplified, more understandable interface. Users can query the view without needing to know the details of the underlying tables and joins.
  • Data security: Views can restrict access to sensitive data. By creating views that only include certain columns or rows, you can control what data users see and access.
  • Consistency: Views ensure consistent results for complex queries. If you have a commonly used query, encapsulating it in a view ensures that any changes to the query logic are applied uniformly across all users and applications accessing that view.
  • Abstraction: Views abstract the underlying database schema. If the schema changes, you can often adjust the view without modifying the application code that uses the view.
  • Maintainaibility: If you need to update how data is presented or aggregated, you can modify the view definition without changing the application code that uses it.
  • Materialized views: Some databases support materialized views, which store the results of the view query in a table-like structure. This can improve query performance by pre-computing the results and storing them for faster access. In cases where materialized view isn’t supported, you can create a table from the view. It is important to distinguish this from regular views, which are virtual and are generally just queries that are run when the view is queried.